Monday 30 December 2013

Links Building  Opportunity for E-commerce website , Products and E-Commerce category  

In Present era, overlooked links building opportunity for E-commerce products and category, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques should require to build link for e-commerce products. You can build links for e-commerce product and page to enhance the product reviews and increase the web page rank. Google give priority to e-commerce page and products which page or product contain the trust back-links. Concepts behind the link-building is that Google bot give preference to web that contain the   more trusted back-link. Also, because most have way to many category & product pages that you can allocate your link building resource to , I am assuming you have already prioritized based off volume, competition, and overall profitability potential.

Monday 23 December 2013

How to  Increase Page Rank in Google in 2014

In the meantime, keep writing good content. Make sure your site is optimized for mobile. And keep connecting with authorities and exchanging ideas with them.
Oh, and maybe even pay attention to your visitor stats (those people we do all this for). With all the changes going on it's important to remember that Google's primary concern is revenue, and that revenue is from their searchers. Make sure you're giving them a positive experience (don't forget your mobile visitors) and you're providing the best signal to Google that you can.
You need to follow Step
1. Writing Good Content 
2. Optimize site according to mobile Apps.
3. Use On Page SEO
4. Little bit use of off page

Sunday 22 December 2013

Fluctuation in Google Page Rank and Google Update in 19 December :

 The key indicator and I checked web master world or SEO chatter and some other seo forums google little bit change in Google Panda then it's result the thousands of web site update it's google page rank. Over few months Google fluctuating it's search algorithms result that web site affect in search engine result page in some keyword and earn the traffic. Earlier Google lunch it's content promoting algorithms.

Google has not given an ETA to this launch, and I don't expect them to. But with any winners, in this case the "good guys", others will see loses. So while this algorithm may be about promoting content, some content will ultimately drop in the results because of it.

Friday 20 December 2013

What does Google's HammingBird Mean for SEO And  the Major Effect on On Line Marketing .

If you’re looking to get all the details on the Hummingbird update then head straight on over toDanny Sullivan’s Hummingbird FAQ at Search Engine Land or read the post by my fellow Forbes contributor Robert Hof. But if you just want to know what you need to do about Hummingbird, then I’ll save you the task of reading Sullivan or Hof’s posts (although I do highly encourage you read them, they’re both quite interesting) and cut to the chase. It comes near the end where Sullivan asks the question “Does this mean SEO is dead?” He answers:
No, SEO is not yet again dead. In fact, Google’s saying there’s nothing new or different SEOs or publishers need to worry about. Guidance remains the same, it says: have original, high-quality content. Signals that have been important in the past remain important; Hummingbird just allows Google to process them in new and hopefully better ways.


This has been a year of significant change in the SEO industry. Even contemplating strategies for 2014 can feel staggering.
The good news is that looking back, it's easy to see which direction the trends are heading in terms of the years ahead. Staying the course on solid white hat tactics and paying attention to a few priority areas that are shifting rapidly should give you the insights needed to improve your organic search visibility in 2014 and beyond.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Google's Matthew  Matt Cutts On Search Spammers: “We Want To Break Their Spirits

    Matthew Matt cutts give the answer of Jeff Jarvis he asked can you explain the psychology of search engine then last day Matt Cutts said on this question. 

   The exact word Matt Cutt Said it:

   If you want to stop spam, the most straight forward way to do it is to deny people money because they care about the money and that should be their end goal. But if you really want to stop spam, it is a little bit mean, but what you want to do, is sort of break their spirits. There are lots of Google algorithms specifically designed to frustrate spammers. Some of the things we do is give people a hint their site will drop and then a week or two later, their site actually does drop. So they get a little bit more frustrated. So hopefully, and we’ve seen this happen, people step away from the dark side and say, you know what, that was so much pain and anguish and frustration, let’s just stay on the high road from now on.

   I am ashish kaushal,I have done from Naraina college of Engineering and Technology in Computer      Sciences and Engineering. I have done two academic project Blind Certification and Integrated Develope Environment. I worked 1.2 year as SEO Analyst in PriceCkeckIndia in Bangalore but recently i am in Delhi and working in VD intellisys technologies pvt. ltd as SEO Executive. I have broad knowledge in internet marketing and i want to become expert in my field. And i want to share my knowledge and Experience  .